Acknowledging Faculty Compensation

This KB Article is to show Faculty how to acknowledge their contract and compensation for the term within Banner Self Service.


1. Login to the My La Salle Portal and locate/search for "Employee Dashboard":


2. Select "Faculty Load and Compensation" in the lower right:


3. Select "Compensation and Acknowledgement" Title:


4. Select the desired term, i.e. "202220 - Spring 2022" and click "GO":


5. Review the contract notes, course assignment and compensation. You must first check the "Faculty Acknowledgement" box and then click the "Acknowledge Selected Positions" at the bottom of the page:


**You have successfully acknowledged your contract and compensation for the term when an "acknowledgement date" is populated (see below)

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Article ID: 148193
Thu 9/15/22 11:50 AM
Wed 9/6/23 9:12 AM