Connect to La Salle Guest Wireless Network


1. On your device choose La Salle Guest Wireless from the list of available networks

2. Navigate to a webpage

3. The following login screen will appear:

login screen

4. Click on “Request a Guest Account” 

5. Another screen will appear requesting required information:

required information form

6. Fill out the form. (Note:  The email address must be a non-La Salle email address). Click “Continue” 
7. Check your device for a text and email with your guest account credentials and login link. 

Note: Once you are registered you will have access for 24 hours. After your registration expires, you may re-register for another 24 hours.  



Article ID: 129803
Mon 3/8/21 3:14 PM
Fri 8/2/24 12:00 PM