Software for Library Lab Computers


Software Requests for Library

Below is a list of all the software installed on the library lab computers: Fall of 2024

  • Audacity
  • Avogadro
  • ChimeraX
  • DNA Master
  • Examplify
  • FileZilla
  • FlashPrint5
  • Foldit
  • Gimp
  • Inkscape
  • Jamovi
  • JMol 
  • Krita
  • LadiBug 
  • Logger Pro 3
  • MEGA 11
  • miniPCR app
  • MySQL Workbench
  • Open JDK Amazon Corretto 11
  • PASCO Capstone
  • Phoenix Code Editor
  • PHREEQCMS Project
  • Psi4
  • Putty
  • PyMOL
  • Python
  • QGIS
  • ​​​​​​​R
  • R Studio
  • R Tools
  • Replicator G
  • TexMaker
  • ​​​​​​​Visio Profesional
  • ​​​​​​​Visual Studio
  • Visual Studio Code
  • VLC Media Player
  • Weka
  • WinSCP

If you encounter any issues or notice any software missing on the computers, please contact the Help Desk by submitting a ticket through the service portal or calling 215-951-1860.​​​​​​​



Article ID: 163495
Mon 8/12/24 11:17 AM
Tue 8/20/24 8:49 AM