JMP Pro Mac Installation Instructions



Instructions for downloading JMP Pro on a Mac.

Note: You will need access to the JMP Pro SharePoint folder. This can be obtained through your professor or with a service request through the IT Help Desk. 

Instructions to download on a personal Mac Device

  1. Check the OSX File, to do this highlight the OSX File and select the Circle. It will turn blue with a checkmark once selected.

  2. At the top of the page, there will be a “Download” button to Download the Windows File. 

  3. Once the file has downloaded, open up “Finder” and go to your “Downloads”.  There you will find a .zip file called “”. Double click on the file, and then open the OSX Folder.  

  4. Inside of the folder you will find a file called “jmppro__1720__mac.dmg”.  Double click on this file and it will open up a new window with a .pkg file called “JMP Pro 17.pkg”.

  5. Double click on the “JMP Pro 17.pkg” file and it will start the installation process. 

  6. Follow the steps to install JMP Pro 17. 

  7. Open the JMP Pro 17 application found in your list of applications.


  8. If asked to provide your JMP license, select Open License and attach the text license file. It can be found in the same folder as the installation file.



Article ID: 164052
Mon 9/23/24 10:08 AM
Tue 10/1/24 9:23 AM