Educational Technology

We guide faculty members in leveraging technology effectively using the SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition) model. We assist faculty in moving beyond mere substitution of traditional teaching methods with technology to enhancing and transforming the learning experience. Our team collaborates with instructors to identify opportunities for augmenting instructional activities through technology tools that add value and functionality. We also facilitate the modification of existing practices by integrating interactive multimedia, simulations, and collaborative platforms to deepen student engagement and understanding. Furthermore, we support faculty in redefining learning experiences by leveraging innovative technologies to create authentic, student-centered learning opportunities that foster creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Through personalized consultations, workshops, and ongoing support, we empower faculty to navigate the SAMR model and integrate educational technology in ways that elevate teaching effectiveness and student learning outcomes.

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Service ID: 54536
Wed 4/10/24 4:46 PM
Fri 5/3/24 12:51 PM