OneDrive is a file-hosting service provided by Microsoft as a part of your University Office365 account. It allows you to store, share, and collaborate on your files online while also syncing files saved on your computer to the cloud.
System Requirements
- Windows or Mac computer running the latest OS
- iOS or Android device running the most recent updates
How do I access OneDrive?
You can access OneDrive, and the other Microsoft 365 tools, by going to https://office.microsoft.com and using your La Salle University email address and LUNA password to log in.
How much storage space will my account have?
La Salle University accounts have 50GB of storage space in OneDrive.
Is OneDrive a safe place to store files with sensitive information?
Making informed decisions about where to safely store and share University data is important. Generally, you can only store files containing sensitive data if the files are encrypted, and they do not contain HIPAA or PCI-DSS data.
What is encryption and how do I encrypt files?
Encryption allows information to be hidden so that it cannot be read without special knowledge (such as a password). This is done with a secret code or cypher. The protected information is said to be “encrypted.”
You should protect any confidential or sensitive information with encryption. Please review the instructions from Microsoft here- https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/protect-a-document-with-a-password-05084cc3-300d-4c1a-8416-38d3e37d6826.
What happens if I store sensitive data unencrypted?
Microsoft Data Loss Prevention (DLP) is enabled for OneDrive and will scan files for sensitive information. If a potential issue is detected in your OneDrive files you will be contacted by IT and depending on the type of data you may be required to remove or encrypt the file. IT reserves the right to delete or encrypt files if the files’ owners do not take precautions to secure content after several warnings.
Support and Training
Microsoft provides a number of training resources for using OneDrive. Links to these are provided below but if you have any detailed issue/question, please submit a ticket to the helpdesk for assistance.