Scanning to an H-Drive Share

Adding an H-Drive scan location to a personal address book:

  1. Swipe ID at printer
  2. Select “Access Device”
  3. Select “Access Device”
  4. Select “Scan and send"


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

  1. Select “Address Book


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


  1. Select “Register New Destination”
  2. Select “File”
  3. Enter the following into the word boxes:
    1. Name: A Friendly Name to use
    2. Host Name: \\\
    3. Folder Path: \shares\depts\[Your Share]\COMMON\[directory to scan]
      1. Ex: \shares\depts\BA\IT\COMMON\Scanning
    4. Username: Your LUNA username
    5. Password: Your LUNA password (you will be prompted to enter this a 2nd time)


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


  1. With the destination selected, scan the documents.