Popular Services

IT provides wireless connectivity in most areas of the campus

Assistance or advice that is not found in any available service the service catalog

Reference information about or report issues with printing and Papercut

The University loans out laptops to faculty, staff, and students as needed.

Request assistance with an account issue or another account-related matter.

Issue with ethernet/physical connection to the network

Reset your LUNA password

Installation or removal of software on La Salle devices

Diagnosis and repair of University desktop computers

Request devices such as laptops, desktops, monitors, docking stations, keyboards, and mice.

Login to access more services.

Assistance with shared outlook mailboxes

Report an issue with the mylasalle Portal or Tools

Raise concern(s) with Web Application function

Request non-permanent access to a deactivated student email account


Assistance with Multi-Factor Authentication

Request assistance or training with a web application (ex. Qualtrics)

Diagnosis and repair of University laptop computers and tablets

Any ticket regarding Equipment Retrieval

Includes troubleshooting of software applications, web browsers, etc.

Report any barriers in accessing, viewing, or navigating the La Salle University website or other applications.

Assistance with mobile devices connecting to the network, setting up mobile-email, or general inquiries.

Report issues with login authentication Single Sign-On (SSO)