How to Find Knowledge Based Articles / Password Reset Help / First-Time User Help

How to Find Knowledge Base Articles

1. Go to the following link: Knowledge Base Articles. This will bring you directly to the Knowledge Base Articles.

2. To search for an article, go to the top right corner.

3. Type in a keyword. For example, for password resets, you could type in reset into the text box and click on the search icon. 

4. You will be brought to a page similar to the one shown below. You can search through the articles provided.

5. You can also, search through the categories shown on the first page. For example, you could click on the Student Technology Checklist

6. You will be shown several different articles for that category. 


Checklist for Password Reset Calls

If a student has questions about a password reset, you can do several things to help them. 

1) Ensure that the users are typing the correct La Salle email address in. 

2) Ensure that users are following the password requirements when creating a new password.

  • Must be a minimum of 14 characters long.
  • Must include an uppercase and lowercase letter.
  • Must include at least 1 number.
  • Must include at least 1 symbol (excluding # or -). 
  • Must not include part of your name or user name.
  • Must not include a common word or commonly used sequence of characters.

3) You can send them password reset articles as well by following the steps described under How to Find Knowledge-Base Articles. For example, you can send them the "LUNA Password Reset Instructions" article. 

4) If the password issue is still not resolved, you can escalate the ticket. 

Checklist for First-Time User Calls

If a student has questions about the first-time user login, you can walk them through the steps.

1) Ensure that users are using the correct username. A first-time user's username should not include For example, a username should look like uniemp3. 

2) After submitting the username, users will be sent a verification code. Once the user has typed in the verification code, they will be asked to create a password. Ensure that users are following the password requirements. 

  • Must be a minimum of 14 characters long.
  • Must include an uppercase and lowercase letter.
  • Must include at least 1 number.
  • Must include at least 1 symbol (excluding # or -). 
  • Must not include part of your name or user name.
  • Must not include a common word or commonly used sequence of characters.

2) You can send them first-time user articles as well by following the steps described under How to Find Knowledge-Base Articles. For example, you can send them the "First-Time User Activate a New LUNA Account" article. 

3) If users are still having troubling completing the first-time user login, you can escalate the ticket. 

Information for Housing Selection Timelines

If a student has questions about the housing selection timeline, you can send them the "Housing Selection Timeline" article. 


Article ID: 155784
Wed 5/24/23 12:05 PM
Tue 6/13/23 10:55 AM