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Passwords are essential tools for keeping accounts and private information secure. Using strong, unique passwords is critical in your personal and professional life. They are often the only thing standing between a cybercriminal and your various accounts and devices. This article provides guidelines for best practices when creating and managing passwords both at La Salle and at home.
LUNA password reset instructions and password complexity requirements
Activating your New LUNA Account for First-Time User
In an effort to protect the security of your devices and La Salle's systems, when setting/resetting your La Salle password, you must meet these requirements. Remember: keep your password secure, and never divulge it to anyone!
This article describes how to utilize knowledge-base articles.
Resolving white label error in Google chrome.
Password Managers help create and store all your passwords in one location, and you only need to remember the one password to access the password manager. KeePass is password manager that is available for use on La Salle devices.  After KeePass is installed, you can refer to the attached instructions to help you get set up and start using KeePass to help you create and store all of your passwords.